What are the steps in determining eligibility?
For birth to three years old, call the Van Wert County Board of Developmental Disabilities Early Intervention/Help Me Grow office at 419-238-6200.
Ages 0 to 3 Years
Early Intervention Services are provided to families of children up to the age of three who have delays in development or may be at-risk for delays in development due to medical or environmental factors.
The Van Wert County Board of MRDD works collaboratively with Help Me Grow. Referrals come into the central coordinating site at the Help Me Grow office. Staff assists families with eligibility determination and other supports, which may include initiation of referral and services to MRDD Early intervention. Once the referral is made, families are introduced to MRDD Early Intervention staff that will assess and the follow the developmental progress of children until the age of three.
Ages 0 to 3 Years
call the Early Intervention
/ Help Me Grow office:
(419) 238-6200
for more information.
Ages 3 to 5 Years
For ages 3-5 years old documentation of at least two developmental delays or an established risk. This can usually be documented through the child’s Individualized Education Plan, Evaluation Team Report, or medical records.
Referrals can be made to the pre-school program by anyone concerned about a child’s development. The Thomas Edison early childhood Center offers a free developmental screening for a child to see if further assessment/evaluation is needed to determine eligibility for pre-school services.
Ages 3 to 5 Years
call Thomas Edison Early Childhood Center:
(419) 238-1514
for more information.
Ages 6 and Older
For ages 6 and over the eligibility process in Ohio is a two-step process:
Step 1: Diagnosis verification
- Board staff will assist you with obtaining medical records from your treatment providers to verify a medical diagnosis. They will also assist with obtaining educational records to support documentation of functional abilities.
- A qualifying diagnosis of a developmental disability must meet the following criteria:
- Onset of disability must be documented prior to the age of 22.
- Diagnosis must be made by a licensed, qualified professional and be supported by the appropriate diagnostic assessments.
- The disability must be likely to continue indefinitely.
- The diagnosis must be a physical or mental impairment other than mental illness.
Examples of acceptable diagnosis and documentation:
- Intellectual disability: Psychological evaluation by Ph.D. which includes both IQ scores and adaptive functioning scores.
- Down Syndrome: Medical documentation signed by MD.
- Autism Spectrum Disorder: Comprehensive evaluation incorporating clinically appropriate assessment tools used in diagnose ASD signed by MD or Ph.D.
- Seizure Disorder: Current medical documentation signed by MD.
- Cerebral Palsy: Medical documentation signed by MD.
Examples of educational terms/informal labels that are not acceptable as qualifying diagnoses for ages 6 and over include: global developmental delay, Borderline Intellectual Functioning, Cognitive delay/disability, non-specific learning disabilities, and any diagnosis using the terms ‘features of’ or ‘history of’ a certain disorder.
Step 2: Administration of the COEDI or OEDI
Once the diagnosis is verified, either the COEDI (Children’s Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument) or OEDI (Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument) is completed by a trained COEDI/OEDI Assessor. The COEDI or OEDI are screening instruments developed by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities and are used to determine if an individual has substantial functional limitations in the major life activity areas of:
Ages 6-15
Self Care
Self Direction
Capacity for Independent Living
Receptive and Expressive Language
Ages 16 and over
Self Care
Self Direction
Capacity for Independent Living
Receptive and Expressive Language
Economic Self Sufficiency
Ages 6 Years or Older
call Adult Services:
(419) 238-1514
for more information.
When is eligibility re-determined?
The State of Ohio requires that eligibility be re-determined when an individual turns 3, 6 and 16 years old.
It may also be done when a qualifying diagnosis changes, functional skills change, following an extended “break” in services, or on an annual basis. Also, if you move to another county, your eligibility status may be re-determined.
What happens after I am found Eligible?
After the individual or legal guardian is notified of the eligibility status, they will need to contact the Van Wert County Board of Developmental Disabilities to request specific services available through the Board. Some of the most common services are Service and Support Administration, Adult Services, Early Intervention, and Family Support Services.
Please note that requested services may not be available immediately and eligible individuals may be placed on a waiting list for services.