Sustainability Plan – Executive Summary
James E. Stripe, Superintendent
Stephen D. Mercer, Business Manager
Shannon Timmerman, SSA Manager
Our board privatized July 1, 2005. Before this event, we had been experiencing an annual increase in our “year-end cash balance.” We have been in deficit spending since that time. We have (1) a three-year plan to divest our selves of non-mandated services, and (2) a plan to request additional local tax dollars.
The following are actions the Van Wert County Board of Developmental Disabilities will incorporate in their “Sustainability Plan”:
- Hiring Freeze. The board will continue to place a hold on hiring new employees. Only necessary employees will be replaced in the event of retirement or other employment separation. When possible, alternatives such as contracting for services or shared services will be considered.
- Branding the County Board. We have engaged the services of professionals to help re-brand the county board since privatization. This is being done for a number of reasons including helping the local community understand the boards emerging identity in advance of a request for new local taxes.
- Meetings with our Board and our Local Officials. We have had ongoing discussions with our local DD board. We have also met with (a) our local school superintendents, (b) our local County Auditor and leadership team, and (c) our board of County Commissioners. The focus of this meeting has been the changes taking place in our organization.
- Levy Consideration. Based on 10-year financial projections it is the recommendation that the Board considers requesting a ballot initiative no later than 2020 (possibly 2019). Meetings have already taken place with the Board of Van Wert County Commissioners and the County Auditor alerting them to that possibility. The Board will continue to focus on projections and make a determination before year end 2018.
- Reduction of Position(s) through Attrition. The Board (in 2017) began the process of reducing the number of employees by not replacing those leaving employment. This will be either through shifting previous responsibilities to current employees or not hiring replacements. This should reduce employment by two employees at a savings of $140,000.00. This will be accomplished by year-end 2019.
- Administrative “Right Sizing“. Business Manager is combining fiscal responsibilities with other activities absorbed on the retirement of the former “Office Manager.”
- Sale of Adult Center and Early Childhood Centers. Discussion will be ongoing with the nonprofit workshop board regarding the sale of the Board’s adult services facility. The net savings to the Board would primarily be related to maintenance and insurance. Additionally, consideration will be given to a similar scenario regarding the school facility and Western Buckeye ESC.
- Elimination of Administrative Subsidy/Preschool. Elimination of fiscal assistance related to administrative costs associated with the Western Buckeye ESC/Thomas Edison Preschool. The plan is in place to eliminate costs currently shared for the administration of the preschool housed at the Board facility and operated by the ESC. Annual savings by 2020 will be $44,000.00.
- Preschool Building Costs. Full recovery of facility costs related to Western Buckeye ESC/Thomas Edison Preschool. Currently, the Board is subsidizing a portion of the facility costs on the preschool. Annual savings by 2020 will be $46,000.00.
- Preschool Transportation Costs. Full recovery of transportation costs related to Western Buckeye ESC/Thomas Edison Preschool. Currently, the Board subsidizes a portion of the transportation costs associated with the preschool operated by the ESC. Annual savings by 2020 will be $143,000.00.
- Adult Center Utility and Maintenance Costs. Recover costs related to facility leased by Thomas Edison Center. The Board entered into a five-year lease agreement with Thomas Edison upon privatization with the nonprofit board increasing their contribution toward facility costs by 10% per year over the lease period. Annual savings by 2020 will be $48,000.00.
- Elimination of “Third Party Billing” for Medicaid Services (TCM). The Board will be using the Imagine system for Medicaid billing. In the past, the board has used a third party for that service. Annual savings beginning in 2018 will be $10,200.00.
- Individuals Receiving Day Services Not on a Medicaid Waiver. We will be implementing a payer of last resort policy requiring individuals to apply for Medicaid. We will be looking at alternatives for excess resources and re-assessing County Board eligibility for those not meeting LOC.
Levy Considerations
We are looking at Levy Replacement options as well as the possibility of new millage. We will be working with our Local Elected Officials and professionals to make these decisions.
Currently, one mill generated $708,192 – (recent information from our County Auditor).