The Medicaid Waiver Waiting List for people with developmental disabilities became inefficient and outdated. So, individuals with disabilities, their families, and advocates worked with the state to create a new system. Starting September 1, 2018, The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities changed how the Waiting List works. Moving forward, it is only used for people with IMMEDIATE or CURRENT needs.
To be on the Waiting List, a person must NOW have:
• An IMMEDIATE need: A pressing or emergency need for care, shelter, etc. that must be addressed within 30 days
• A CURRENT need: An important need that should be addressed within the next 12 months
The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities has created an assessment tool that County Boards must use to determine whether or not a person’s needs meet the IMMEDIATE or CURRENT criteria. County Board staff must speak with persons interested in receiving services AND their guardians to discuss needs. They call individuals and/or their advocate to set up appointments that are convenient to individuals involved. It is important that each person interested in receiving Medicaid Waiver Services make time to meet with a County Board representative, as this is their opportunity to share what their needs are. Once the assessment is complete, a County Board staff member informs individuals of the assessment outcomes.
It is important to understand that if an individual doesn’t have an immediate or current need, or does not want to be placed on the Waiting List, that does not mean he or she will not be able to get services in the future. Should a person’s needs change, all they need to do is call their Service and Support Administrator (SSA) or a County Board staff member, and that representative will complete another assessment with them. If a person’s CURRENT or IMMEDIATE needs can be met through other resources, they will not be placed on the List. Individuals who do NOT meet with County Board staff to discuss their needs will not be included on the Waiting List. Those who disagree with the outcome of the state assessment tool will be able to file a formal complaint and have their assessment reconsidered.